Archive: Jul 2010

Girls Discovered: Global Mapping of Adolescent Girls

This post was originally posted on Maternal Mortality Daily. I recently learned about a great resource for those working to improve the lives of women and girls, Girls Discovered: Global Maps of Adolescent Girls. The website has three main…

Top 5 Highlights from the Women Deliver 2010 Conference

On July 1st 2010, the Women Deliver team announced the top five highlights from the Women Deliver 2010 Conference. See below for a message from our friends at Women Deliver–with a great summary of what happened at the conference and useful links to…

Global Maternal Health Conference 2010: July 6th Update

From the Global Maternal Health Conference 2010 co-organizers: The Public Health Foundation of India and the Maternal Health Task Force at EngenderHealth. An exciting program for the Global Maternal Health Conference is taking…

The LifeWrap: A First-Aid Device to Address Obstetric Hemorrhage

Recently the Maternal Health Task Force launched a new blog, GlobalMama, on Medscape that provides the vast MedScape audience with insights from the MHTF into the maternal health field. We are excited to introduce our first GlobalMama guest…