Virtual Forum: Join WHO in a 2 Week Discussion on Prevention of Maternal and Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity
The World Health Organization (WHO) invites you to join the WHO Guidance Global Discussion Forum on Prevention of Maternal and Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity.
The online forum will be held from July 26th – August 6th, 2010.
The 2 week virtual discussion forum is designed to provide an opportunity for people to share their ideas, experience and opinions about the type of evidence-based guidance WHO should produce in order to support the reduction of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity.
Over the two-week forum participants will receive one to two emails per day: one email to introduce the day’s questions, and one daily digest of the contributions. Five questions will be addressed, and each discussed over two consecutive days. All contributions received will be acknowledged.
For any questions on this Virtual Global Discussion Forum please contact the forum facilitator: Cordelia Coltart at
Click here for official announcement and invitation to the discussion forum.