Archive: Fri Nov 2010

Weekend Reading

Recently on the MHTF blog: Raji Mohanam wrote about her time at the mHealth Summit Julianne Parker wrote about her work in Brazil We informed you about our other blog, GlobalMama Sara Al Lamki described a night at a “make-shift…

The Night Clinic

By: Sara Al-Lamki, Young Champion of Maternal Health This blog post was contributed by Sara Al Lamki, one of the fifteen Young Champions of Maternal Health chosen by Ashoka and the Maternal Health Task Force at EngenderHealth. She will be blogging about…

mHealth: But Does it Work?

Just in time for the mHealth Summit, The Lancet published an evaluation of an SMS initiative (gated) to improve antiretroviral therapy (ART) at clinics in Kenya. Patients were randomly assigned to groups, one of which would receive text messages from…