C-Sections on GlobalMama and Caesarean Community of Practice

As we recently mentioned, MHTF also has a blog on Medscape/WebMD and we’ve published a post today on caesarean sections in the United States and throughout the developing world.

Also, we’ve created a page for a community of practice (CoP) working on caesarean indicators. The group met in January 2010 in Baltimore to discuss how to improve measurement of caesarean birth and developed a meeting report with recommendations for moving research forward.

In addition to the caesarean CoP, MHTF has participated in the Clean Birth Kits Community of Practice to investigate the role of clean birth kits in improving maternal health.

These communities of practice serve as a platform for experts in the field of maternal health and its related fields to share knowledge and information to reach consensus on major topics in maternal health that are major areas of debate. As we move forward, the development of additional CoPs around other pressing maternal health issues is likely.