Knowledge Translation in Bangladesh
The following is part of a series of project updates from the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B). MHTF is supporting their project, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Translation in Bangladesh. More information on MHTF supported projects can be found here.
Written by: ICDDR,B
The Knowledge Translation in Maternal Health: Culture and Capacity for Change project staff have successfully reviewed national and international evidence including both published and unpublished studies regarding the role of TBAs in maternal and neonatal health in Bangladesh. The question of the appropriate role for TBAs was identified by national stakeholders as an area of policy and programmatic importance to Bangladesh. The review will be presented at a workshop organized by the SRHR Platform. The workshop will include NGOs and implementing agencies working on safe motherhood and will provide an opportunity to discuss the research evidence in the context of NGO implementation realities. The background review for the workshop will be written up as a paper for wider dissemination. The workshop was initially to be held on November 30, 2010 but due to political instability it had to be postponed until December 14, 2010.
A shared internal repository of best-practice and peer-reviewed literature has been created which is organized by topic area related to maternal and neonatal health. A successful knowledge translation example has been featured on the website of ICDDR,B and generated outside interest in knowing more about study results.
A meeting with OGSB (Obstetricians and Gynecologists Society Bangladesh) was held on 03 November, 2010 to facilitate development of partnerships with health care professionals. Another meeting with DGHS was held on 07 November, 2010 to discuss the project activities and identify translational champions.
A background paper on Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health for HPNSSP 2011-2016 is in progress. The ‘Access for All’ website of the project will be developed and launched by end of December 2010.
The course materials for high impact writing are finalized and will be piloted with a small group of researchers by mid December, 2010. The course materials will be revised based on feedback or suggestions and then the course will be offered on a regular basis.
One of the MHTF researchers attended the ‘First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research’ held from 16-19 November, 2010 in Montreux, Switzerland on behalf of another project and she benefitted from attending several sessions on current best practices in knowledge translation.