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Archive: Mar 2011

GHME 2011 Conference Underway

The Global Health Metrics and Evaluation 2011 Conference is underway in Seattle, continuing until Wednesday. Measuring maternal mortality was a topic of discussion today at the conference. You can read the abstracts via The Lancet (download the…

Postponed: mothers2mothers on Good Morning America

We mentioned last week that a second MHTF subawardee, mothers2mothers, was going to be featured on Good Morning America on ABC. The feature was scheduled for this morning, however, due to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the airing has been delayed.…


Raji Mohanam and I will be heading to Washington, D.C. later this week to attend the Non-Profit Technology Conference. We’ll be attending sessions on mapping, mobile strategies and other innovations for non-profit organizations. Look for blogs,…

Ektam: A Case Study from CEDPA

The following is part of a series of project updates from the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). The case study come from their project, Working on Integration Issues of HIV/AIDS and Maternal Health, which the MHTF is supporting.…

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: We celebrated International Women’s Day with a post from Ann Blanc, the announcement of our multilingual site, and a page to highlight the work our partners are doing to improve the lives of women CEDPA updated us…

Advocating for the Integration of HIV and MH

By: Mohammad Ahsan, CEDPA India The following is part of a series of project updates from the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). MHTF is supporting their project, Working on Integration Issues of HIV/AIDS and Maternal Health. More…

MHTF Partner Lee Karen Stow at the International Slavery Museum

MHTF partner Lee Karen Stow, a photographer, opened an exhibit last week at the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool, UK. Her exhibition, 42, “aims to show the beauty, spirit, hope and the value to society of women not just in Sierra Leone,…

m2m on Good Morning America

mothers2mothers, an MHTF sub-awardee, is going to be featured on ABC’s Good Morning America next week. The program airs on March 14th from 7am-9am EST.   From m2m: We are excited about our participation in the series, a year-long…

Recapping International Women's Day

We had an exciting International Women’s Day yesterday at the MHTF. You can read what MHTF Director Ann Blanc had to say about the Young Champions of Maternal Health, updates from our partners and view our website in three new languages.  …

Inspired by Young Champions on IWD

By: Dr. Ann Blanc, Director, MHTF International Women’s Day is a day dedicated to celebrating the achievements of women past, present, and future. As I reflect on this day, I am especially inspired by the achievements of the Young Champions of Maternal…