Archive: Apr 2011

Maternal Health Care in Urban Settings

Yesterday, a group of health experts met at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington as part of the Maternal Health Policy Dialogue. The topic was “Accessing Maternal Health Care in Urban Slums,” but some presenters questioned whether the word slum is an…

Reminder: MH Policy Dialogue Today at 3

A friendly reminder of today’s Maternal Health Policy Dialogue at the Woodrow Wilson Center from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Click over to their site at 3 to watch the event live!

World Bank and IMF Report on MDG Progress

The World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released the “Global Monitoring Report 2011: Improving the Odds of Achieving the MDGs” late last week, reflecting on the likelihood of achieving the Millennium Development Goals…

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: We put up a new post on GlobalMama (free registration required) PAI invited you to join the MH Supplies Working Group Information on The Lancet Stillbirth Series and reactions MNCH in Post-Conflict Settings …

Stillbirth Series Reactions

Earlier this week, The Lancet published a series of articles on stillbirth. The series is generating a lot of press and reactions from the global health community. Below are a selection of reactions and comments on the series. If you see other…

MNCH in Post-Conflict Settings

Dr. Donna Espeut from Concern Worldwide spoke yesterday at New York University on “Improving Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Post-Conflict Settings.” Women who are pregnant obviously don’t stop being pregnant when disaster strikes. She…

Stillbirth Series in The Lancet

The Lancet launched a new series yesterday focusing on stillbirths, holding events in London, New York, Hobart (Australia), Geneva, New Delhi, Florence, and Cape Town. We attended the event yesterday at UNICEF which featured: Maja Zecevik (Editor,…

MH Supplies Working Group Meeting

You are invited to the first meeting of the Maternal Health Supplies Working Group Convened by Population Action International   Supported by the Maternal Health Task Force   April 28-29, 2011 | 10am-4pm   Population…

New Post on GlobalMama

We have a new post up on our Medscape blog, GlobalMama. The post, “Lies, Damn Lies and Maternal Mortality Estimates” looks at success at reducing maternal mortality ratios even though many countries are not on track to achieve MDG 5: …