Young Champion Named Finalist for INDEX: Award 2011

Young Champion of Maternal Health Zubaida Bai has developed a birth kit that is a finalist for the INDEX: Award 2011. Zubaida’s was based in Boston during the YC program and had the opportunity to work with HealthLeads. More information on her internship is available here.

Prior to the YC program, Zubaida developed the JANMA birth kit and is current working to scale up its presence:

JANMA is an affordable clean birth kit intended to provide clean and sterile conditions for childbirth. It includes quality, low-cost components that provide the mother a safe, clean and hygienic delivery whether she delivers at home, at a primary health care center or in a government hospital.

AYZH is a social venture that has invented a US$2 solution to address this need: The JANMA – Clean Birth Kit that provides the mother a safe, clean and hygienic delivery whether she delivers at home or in an institution. JANMA is sourced and assembled in India by rural women, creating economic opportunity, and is distributed through an already established network of local pharmacies, clinics and hospitals.

Making clean delivery kits available through government health clinics, markets, private pharmacies and other commercial channels will help reduce rates of infection and will substantially decrease maternal and infant mortality. AYZH has the following ambition: “No women should die giving life”.

You can read more about Zubaida’s birth kit and vote here.