WASH for Mothers: An MHTF Series

“Access to safe water is a fundamental human need and, therefore, a basic human right. Contaminated water jeopardizes both the physical and social health of all people. It is an affront to human dignity.”

WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) is key for the improvement of health outcomes in the developing world. The scarcity of clean and accessible water is one of the most pressing development issues, which has significant implications for sanitation and hygiene. Climate change, shifting weather patterns, water pollution, growing and shifting populations, and other factors all contribute to the quality and availability of water on our planet and have serious implications for global health.

Access to clean water is critical to successful maternal health outcomes, and over the coming weeks, we will be running a series of blog posts on the intersection of WASH and maternal health. The series, WASH for Mothers, will feature posts from experts at academic and research institutions, non-governmental organizations and government agencies.

If your work or research focuses on water and maternal health and you would like to contribute to the series, please contact Christopher Lindahl.