A Second Group of Researchers Trained by ICDDR,B

The following is part of a series of project updates from the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B). The MHTF is supporting their project, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Translation in Bangladesh. More information on MHTF supported projects can be found here.

Written by: ICDDR,B

The second group of ICDDR,B researchers successfully completed the course, How to Write a Knowledge Translation Brief: Knowledge Translation in Maternal Health. The course was facilitated by Fauzia Akhter Huda and Laura Reichenbach. In this batch, nine researchers from ICDDR,B’s different units participated. Like the previous course each participant was instructed to bring a data set or a completed study report or manuscript to the first session. The final draft of Knowledge Translation Briefs from the second group will be sent to the technical review committee during the first week of September.

The Knowledge Translation Briefs of the first group have been peer-reviewed, revised and are almost finalized. These briefs will be shared on the Access for All web-page on the icddr,b web-site shortly.

The course materials have generated a lot of interest both within and outside of ICDDR,B. A special one-hour session of the KT Brief writing course was delivered to a group of fifteen policy makers and program managers. This was done as complement to another ICDDR,B project “Enhancing capacity to apply research evidence in policy making for reproductive health in Bangladesh”. The session and the course materials were highly appreciated by the policy and program people and they proposed to conduct this session for their other staff as well.

Titles of KT Briefs of the second group:
-Antenatal care reduces perinatal deaths in rural Bangladesh
-Behavior change communication (BCC) intervention improves MNCH practices in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh
-Acceptability of BCC intervention in urban slums in Bangladesh
-Effectiveness of ‘SAFE’: An intervention addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights and violence against young women in urban Bangladesh
-Identifying points of intervention: Voices of physically abused wives in rural Bangladesh
-Improving the quality of midwives in Bangladesh: Addressing barriers of midwifery course in nursing training
-Reducing the risk of occupational exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis among healthcare workers in Bangladesh
-Evaluation of a new diagnostic kit (ELISA) to detect falciparum malaria in non-endemic regions in Bangladesh

The webpage for the Knowledge Translation for Maternal Health: Building Capacity and Culture for Change website has been launched on the redeveloped ICDDR,B website. The webpage provides access to Knowledge Translation briefs; evidence which includes different reports, presentations, and publications from completed studies related to maternal health conducted at the Centre for Reproductive Health of ICDDR,B different times; and Government of Bangladesh documents relevant to maternal health. This webpage will be a useful resource for researchers and policymakers alike.