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Archive: Sep 2011

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: An ebook from the Young Champions of Maternal Health A photoessay on fistula prevention and treatment in Guinea Keep an eye out for updates from the Buzz Meeting next week Some reading for the weekend: …

The Maternal Health Buzz Meeting

Next week, we are gathering 60 people from around the world in a retreat-like setting just north of New York City for 2½ days. Our goal is to discuss and debate today’s tough questions in maternal health and to learn from the MHTF’s…

Photoessay: Fistula in Guinea

Earlier this week, a Maternal Health Dialogue Series event focused on maternal morbidities and discussed why they are often neglected even within the maternal health field. A full summary and video of the event will be available soon through the Wilson…

In Their Own Words: The Young Champions of Maternal Health

Written by: Ashoka We are excited to announce the latest edition of Stories of Change, an electronic book series that tells the stories of changemakers from across Ashoka’s community. This fourth volume, called In Their Own Words: The Young Champions…

Today at 3pm: Maternal Morbidities in Developing Countries

The Woodrow Wilson Center’s Global Health Initiative in coordination with the Maternal Health Task Force and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) invite you to a discussion of: Silent Suffering: Maternal Morbidities in Developing Countries …

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: An update from the Department of Community Medicine on screening for anemia Which countries will reach MDGs 4 and 5? Who does Jacaranda Health’s marketing? Its customers A new World Bank blog introduces us…

Will We Really Know if we Achieve the MDGs?

As we approach 2015, conversations about the quality of data for generating estimates of various indicators is gaining steam. According to a recent paper, very few countries are on track to meet MDGs 4 and 5 based on the estimate available.…

New WB Blog on Health Systems

The World Bank blogs provide an excellent resource to learn about the work the Bank is doing and other aspects of development. Whether it is Development Impact or Africa Can End Poverty there is a wealth of information from experts on a variety of…

Who Does Jacaranda’s Marketing? Our Customers Do

By: Nick Sowden, Sales and Marketing Manager, Jacaranda Health The following post originally appeared on Jacaranda’s blog. It is reposted here with permission. At Jacaranda Health, we often say that we’re not great marketers, but our customers…

Report: Most Countries Will Not Meet MDGs 4 and 5

With maternal mortality estimates published last year by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and the United Nations, and the recent neonatal mortality estimates, it became relatively clear that most countries would not meet the ambitions set…