New MHTF-PLoS Collection and Call for Papers
In collaboration with the editors of PLoS, we have launched a collection of papers on maternal health and issued a call for papers:
While there are many approaches to take, the MHTF–PLoS Collection in 2011–12 will focus on quality of maternal health care, as it is clear that such a focus is now a global imperative. The quality of maternal health care is highly variable and often extremely poor, even in locations where there is a commitment to improving maternal health through increased access to skilled care, for example. The coverage and reach of maternal health services have increased dramatically in some high-burden countries, but the content and quality of those services (both institutional and at the community level) have not improved at the same pace.
For more information, read an editorial by Samantha Lattof, Mary Nell Wegner, and Ana Langer on the topic.