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Archive: 2011

OpenIDEO Challenge: Maternal Health

OpenIDEO, a collaborative design challenge, hosted by the design firm IDEO, Oxfam, and Nokia, recently developed a challenge focusing on maternal health and mhealth. For the next four weeks, they are soliciting inspiration from people working in global…

Best Practices in Integrating HIV and MCH

The following is a letter from the Centre for Development and Population Activities, an MHTF-supported project, that is seeking case studies for best practices with regard to integration of HIV and maternal health. For more information on the project or…

Weekend Reading

Recently on the MHTF blog: Wendy J. Graham spoke about maternal mortality estimation EngenderHealth Medical Director Roy Jacobstein wrote about contraceptive implants in the UK Anrudh K. Jain reacted to a maternal death in India Some…

Clean Birth Kits Working Group Update

The Clean Birth Kits Working Group held its summative meeting in Washington, D.C last week. Claudia Morrisey, from Saving Newborn Lives, provides a good summary of some of the work done by the CBK Working Group on the Healthy Newborn Network blog: In…

Indian NGO Working on Maternal Health Wins MacArthur Award

Action Research & Training for Health (ARTH), an Indian NGO with a mission to “help communities access and manage health care according to their needs and capacity, by using research and training initiatives,” was awarded a MacArthur…

Contraceptive Implants: Safe, Effective, and Popular

By: Roy Jacobstein, Medical Director, EngenderHealth The following post is also published on the Global Health Council blog Earlier this month, The Guardian reported that nearly 600 UK women had become pregnant while using Implanon, a contraceptive…

Guttmacher Institute's Data Center

The Guttmacher Institute recently developed a Data Center that allows users to create tables and maps from data contained in Guttmacher reports, such as “Adding it Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn…

'Regional Conference on Fistula' in Karachi: Call for Abstracts

The upcoming “Regional Fistula Conference” is requesting abstracts from interested presenters. The conference will be held at Sheraton Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan from 4-6 March 2011 in collaboration with UNFPA. The last…

DFID's Framework for Results

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) recently launched their new “Framework for Results” for improving global reproductive, maternal and newborn health. You will find more information on their new…