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Archive: Jan 2012

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: Are there negative aspects to involving men? Jacaranda Health involves mothers in designing care mothers2mothers reports on their Active Client Follow-Up project The launch of Global Motherhood on the Huffington…

Johnson & Johnson, Huffington Post Launch "Global Motherhood"

Johnson & Johnson (who recently also launched Text4Baby) and the Huffington Post have teamed up to create a new section in the Huffington Post. Global Motherhood will serve as a platform for discussion and learning on the issues that mothers face…

Negative Impacts of Male Involvement in PMTCT?

In the maternal and reproductive health fields, we often discuss the importance of involving men. While there is certainly evidence that male involvement can lead to better health outcomes, there are potential downsides that are rarely discussed. A…

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: Melinda Gates answers questions as she travels in Bangladesh Ana Langer welcomed the MHTF to Harvard on GlobalMama A focus on promoting Respectful Maternity Care is emerging Emily Puckart on MaiMwana and community…

Melinda Gates Answers Your Questions, Ctd.

The second and third installments of Melinda Gates’ answers to reader questions are now available. Topics include access to contraceptives in Bangladesh: Bangladesh has made huge improvements in getting women access to contraceptives since…

Melinda Gates Answers Your Questions

Last week, we linked to an opportunity to submit questions for Melinda Gates and Nick Kristoff as Ms. Gates travels throughout Bangladesh. This week, Impatient Optimists has posted the first of the responses. A second installment will be published…