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Archive: Feb 2012

1,000 Days: Improving the Nutrition of Rural Women

From our colleagues at Family Care International: Please join Family Care International and our partners at a side event to this week’s meetings of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. 1,000 Days: Improving the Nutrition of Rural Women…

Priority Countries for Maternal Health Research

We have a new post up on our Medscape blog, Global Mama, by Dr. Ana Langer that discusses the three priority countries for the MHTF: Ethiopia, India, and Nigeria: The three countries were chosen for a variety of reasons: potential for strong…

Commission on the Status of Women: A Focus on Rural Women

The fifty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) began today and will continue through Friday, March 9th.  According to the CSW website, delegates from around the world have gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New…

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: How simple are simple solutions? Another grand challenge from Saving Lives at Birth Vote for the Women Deliver 50 Contribute to our International Women’s Day campaign Some reading for the weekend: A…

Celebrate International Women's Day with the MHTF

In honor of International Women’s Day (March 8th), the Maternal Health Task Force is planning to highlight the important work that your organization is doing to improve the health of women around the world.   Last year, the MHTF invited…

Saving Lives at Birth: Round 2

This week Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Challenge for Development announced a second round of awards for innovative approaches and solutions to improve the lives of mothers and children: Over the course of the program, the partners aim to invest at…

Vote for the Women Deliver 50

As part of their campaign for International Women’s Day, Women Deliver is identifying the “top 50 inspiring ideas and solutions that deliver for girls and women.” The winners will be features on Women Deliver’s website as well as…

How Simple are Simple Solutions?

The rhetoric surrounding international development and global health (definitely including maternal health) often refers to simple solutions, particularly low-cost simple solutions. Karen Grepin, a professor at NYU, challenges this rhetoric and argues…

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: Mhealth and the poorest of the poor A project update on BRAC’s Manoshi Project A job opportunity with the MHTF Youth Scholarship application opens for Women Deliver 2013 A maternal health exhibit at the…

Maternal Health at the International Museum of Women

httpv:// Can’t see the video? View it on YouTube   The International Museum of Women, an online museum that “showcases art, stories and ideas to celebrate, inspire and advance the lives of women…