TEDxChange: The Big Picture


TEDxChange is a program and partnership of TED and the Gates Foundation, created to spark global conversations about social issues. The focus of Thursday’s event,  TEDxChange: The Big Picture, will be to challenge traditional thinking around global issues.


According to our colleagues at TEDxChange, “A central theme of the event will be maternal health and contraceptives. In her talk, Melinda Gates will kick off a long-term initiative to change the global conversation around family planning—beginning at TEDxChange and leading up to the recently announced major family planning summit in July and beyond.”


Event Details
TEDxChange: The Big Picture
Thursday, April 5 at 12:30p EST
Webcast Live from Berlin, Germany | http://tedxchange.org


Speakers include:

  • Chris Anderson, curator of the TED conference
  • Jeff Chapin, designer and engineer for IDEO
  • Melinda Gates, co-chair of the world’s largest private philanthropy
  • Sven Giegold, German EP Member and environmental advocate
  • Baaba Maal, Song writer and artist
  • Theo Sowa, Head of African Women’s Development Fund


TEDxChange will be a truly global event, bringing together an online audience of thousands, as well as 190 local simulcast events in 60 countries.


Event Livestream Details
The TEDxChange event livestream will be available in seven languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, KO, PT, and ZH) at http://tedxchange.org (redirects to custom Facebook page). As of April 4, this page will include a live webcast app which will allow users to toggle between each language.


Connect with the TEDxChange network on Facebook at http://facebook.com/tedxchange and on Twitter by following at http://twitter.com/tedxchange. Join the Twitter conversation on the hashtag #TEDxChange.


About TEDxChange
The future is not fixed. We all have a hand in how it plays out. TEDxChange is a partnership of TED.com and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, designed to act as a catalyst for global conversations on ideas worth spreading on health, development, and education issues.


Melinda Gates on TEDxChange
“I have personally seen that, yes, even one person can affect the world. Whether it’s a mother-in-law in India learning a new way to ensure that her grandchild is born safely, or a medic administering lifesaving polio vaccines to hundreds of children—small acts add up. The future is not fixed. We all have a hand in how it plays out.



TEDxChange convenes a global community who can stimulate conversations on development and bring about change. It’s been thrilling to see the reaction to TEDxChange from the TEDx communities around the world.



I hope you’ll take part in TEDxChange, whether at a local satellite event where the event will be viewed, watching the webcast online, or by joining the conversation online and in your own communities.” –Melinda Gates


TedxChange Simulcast at Harvard School of Public Health
Harvard School of Public Health has organized a simulcast event to be held in collaboration with TEDxChange. Learn more here!