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Archive: Jul 2012

A Decade of Change for Newborn Survival

According to the Healthy Newborn Network, Health Policy and Planning recently published a supplement, A Decade of Change for Newborn Survival, that shares a multi-country analysis of the changes in newborn care and survival from…

How 15,000 Midwives Will Save Mothers' Lives

Yesterday, Impatient Optimists published a post titled, How 15,000 Midwives Will Save Mothers’ Lives, that describes a new project by AMREF, the African Medical & Research Foundation, that aims to train 15,000 midwives across several countries…

Women Need More Help In AIDS Battle, Experts Say

In an article titled Women Need More Health in AIDS Battle, Experts Say, the Huffington Post reports on recent conversations at the International AIDS Conference about the need for more focused efforts to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS among women, with…

US and World Bank Team Up to Improve Data on Women

In the maternal health community, we often decry a lack of good data, which is often echoed by others working on a number of women’s issue. In order to address some of these data gaps, the U.S. government and the World Bank have launched…

New Report: Together We Will End AIDS

Leading up to the19th International AIDS Conference that will take place in Washington D.C. from 22-27 July 2012, UNAIDS released a new report, Together We Will End AIDS, yesterday showing that “as international funding flattens, more countries are…