New Report: Together We Will End AIDS

Leading up to the19th International AIDS Conference that will take place in Washington D.C. from 22-27 July 2012, UNAIDS released a new report, Together We Will End AIDS, yesterday showing that “as international funding flattens, more countries are increasing their own share of investments for HIV and that a record 8 million people are now receiving antiretroviral therapy.” The report includes the most current data on new HIV infections, numbers of people receiving antiretroviral treatment, AIDS-related deaths and HIV among children.

Excerpt from the report:

It has been two years since the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna. At that time, the global community had begun to cautiously celebrate the fragile progress in preventing and treating HIV.

Nevertheless, the world was clearly at a defining moment, and forward movement was not guaranteed. Soon after that Conference, UNAIDS began to articulate a new vision for the future of AIDS: one that swept aside the pale aspirations of incremental gains and dared the world to imagine what the end of AIDS should look like – and challenged everyone to reach for it, fearlessly and without compromise.

It was a bold vision – some even called it a dream – but the world deserves no less than a future of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.

Today, progress towards this vision is accelerating dramatically in several areas. Many prominent leaders are now speaking openly about the beginning of the end of AIDS, getting to zero and the start of an AIDS-free generation.

The world is investing in this vision, and the investment is paying off.

Read the full report here.

Access several supplements to the report including Meeting the Investment Challenge, the press release, fact sheets, epidemiology slides, infographics, and video footage.

Click here to read NPR’s coverage of the story, UN Reports Progress Against HIV In Poor Countries.