BioMed Central Call for Papers: Quality Improvement in Neonatal Care

BioMed Central, an open-access publisher, recently issued a call for papers on quality improvement for neonatal care.

From the call:

Open access publishing has the ability to rapidly communicate medical advances to providers throughout the world. The needs of clinicians in North America and those in Sub-Saharan Africa may be very different, yet the desire to make evidence-based decisions and improve care and outcomes within a hospital system, region or country is universal.

Improving neonatal care and outcomes starts with making informed decisions based on the best medical evidence available…

…There has been an ever-increasing emphasis on patient safety and quality improvement in perinatal care[4]. This has lead to countless examples of improvement in pediatric, neonatal and obstetric care. Publication of these improvement stories has allowed other providers to follow suit and implement similar changes. Furthermore, organizations such as the American Board of Pediatrics are institutionalizing quality improvement by including it as part of the Maintenance of Certification process. As quality improvement continues to evolve and becomes a universal part of pediatric and neonatal care, publication of these initiatives are needed so clinicians can learn from others’ experiences.

Read the full call for papers here.

In related news: The MHTF is working closely with PLoS to provide a freely available, open access collection of research and commentary on maternal health. The three year partnership is addressing critical issues in maternal health, with the 2012 issue focused on quality of maternal health care. Learn more about the Maternal Health Task Force-PLoS collection here.