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Archive: 2012

Maternal Health at the International Museum of Women

httpv:// Can’t see the video? View it on YouTube   The International Museum of Women, an online museum that “showcases art, stories and ideas to celebrate, inspire and advance the lives of women…

Women Deliver 2013 Youth Scholarship Application Opens

Women Deliver will be providing a number of scholarships for Women Deliver 2013. The process has begun with the Youth Scholarship application, and the general scholarship will be available soon as well.   From our colleagues at Women…

Project Update: BRAC's Manoshi Project

By: Emily Puckart, Program Associate, MHTF BRAC’s Manoshi project works to establish a community-based health program in urban slum areas of Bangladesh in order to reduce maternal and child mortality. In May 2010, BRAC instituted a mHealth project…

Can mHealth Reach the Poorest of the Poor?

Although mobile phone penetration is incredibly high, even in poor countries, there is concern that mobile based interventions may not be able to reach the poorest of the poor. While looking at M-PESA, a mobile money program in Kenya, Jamie M. Zimmerman…

Weekend Reading

This week on the MHTF blog: HSPH graduate students Annie Kearns and Megan Loucks wrote about their winter session placements with MHTF partners Some job and internship opportunities in maternal health A new film about vouchers for maternal…

Kadi - Saving Mothers and Babies, One Voucher at a Time

Kadi – Saving Mothers and Babies, One Voucher at a Time from Gobee Group on Vimeo.   As part of Social Media Week next week, a new film about vouchers for maternal health will be screened in New York. The film explores a Population…