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Archive: 2012

New Research Challenges Excess Mortality Risk of Adolescent Mothers

By: Ana Langer, Director of the Maternal Health Task Force and Women and Health Initiative Over the course of the Safe Motherhood movement, the common wisdom has been that adolescent women have a highly elevated risk of maternal death —roughly two…

A Comprehensive Approach to Maternal Health Commodities

By: Safia Ahsan, Senior Health Systems Advisor, Ipas This post is part of a blog series on maternal health commodities. To view the entire series, click here. As the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approaches, there is…

Global Maternal Health Conference 2013: Submit Your Abstract!

We are delighted to announce that the Global Maternal Health Conference 2013 abstract submission site is now open. You can start the abstract submission process here. Abstracts are invited for oral or poster presentations under any of the five…

Women Deliver Maternal Health Theme: Call For Topics

A special message from our friends organizing the maternal and newborn health (MNH) track at the upcoming Women Deliver Conference: The third Global Women Deliver Conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 28-30th 2013, with an…

HIV Positive Mothers Helping HIV Positive Mothers

Patience Hlengiwe Kweyama, site coordinator with mothers2mothers, recently wrote a post, HIV Positive Mothers Helping HIV Positive Mothers, for the Huffington Post’s Global Motherhood blog that describes the work of mothers2mothers as well as her role…

Creative Approaches to Addressing the Unmet Need for Contraceptives

By: Jill Sheffield, Founder and President, Women Deliver This post is part of a blog series on maternal health commodities. To view the entire series, click here. Recently, a new study by the Guttmacher Institute and the United Nations Population Fund…

So Many, Yet Few: Human Resources for Health in India

Earlier this week, Human Resources for Health published a paper, So many, yet few: Human resources for health in India, that explores the information gap around human resources for health in many developing countries and aims to provide a more…