Register for IDEAS March 20 Web Seminar on Human Rights and Accountability for Maternal Health Commitments

Informed Decisions for Actions (IDEAS), kicks off its 2013 monthly web seminar series  to exchange knowledge, discuss literature and share experiences on maternal and newborn health next week.  The first session, on human rights and accountability for maternal health commitments will be held on Wednesday, March 20, and registration is now open. The seminars are free and open to anyone, but you must register in order to attend.

The monthly series will be held every third Wednesday of the month at 10 am GMT/BST. Sessions will be led by IDEAS, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other leading organizations. Each seminar will feature a major topic in maternal and newborn health, and the format will vary from presentations to how-to workshops and discussions of literature in the field. For more information on the topics for future seminars or to sign up for updates on the series, visit IDEAS here.