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Archive: 2015

Addressing Disparities in the U.S. for Maternal Health and Rights

While much global attention has focused on the 99% of maternal deaths that occur in low- and middle-income countries, the U.S. is one of the few countries where the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) has actually risen over the past decade. More troubling…

Let's Reward the Use of Maternal Health Supplies

As far as maternal health supplies go, it is easy for groups to forget the role of the three key life-saving commodities and therefore fail to prioritize their presence in health facilities 100% of the time. Arguably, services — with their immediate…

Reflecting on the Maternal Health Collections

In celebration of the MHTF-PLOS Maternal Health collaboration we take a look back through the collections and highlight some of the most influential and interesting articles included in the collections. In November 2011, the Maternal Health Task Force…

15 New Jobs in Maternal Health!

We value our MHTF community and to express our thanks, we're always looking for ways to keep you engaged and moving forward in your career. Check out these 15 new positions in this week's jobs post. Hopefully you'll find something to make your next move…

The Myth of the Meager Maternal Health Market

When I first entered this line of work, I often heard one thing: the maternal health market is way too small to be sustainable, much less lucrative. Naturally, one can only expect market failure for maternal health drugs and, by extension, a chronic…

Brand New Size at Birth Standards Will Improve Neonatal Health

Newborn size at birth standards are now available from the INTERGROWTH-21st project. This package includes size charts, standards and z-scores for newborn length, weight and head circumference at birth for boys and girls. The newborn size at birth…

Changing Incentives: Creating a Market for High Quality Oxytocin

Oxytocin is the first-line drug for the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and is widely available in developing countries. There is a large market for oxytocin and there are many manufacturers of the drug; however there are growing…