Archive: 2015

In the U.S., Black Mothers Need More Than Health Care

By Elizabeth Dawes Gay. Last month, over a thousand people gathered in Mexico City for the Global Maternal and Newborn Health Conference. Much of the discourse centered on improving health care for mothers and babies, as it tends to both globally and…

A Different Approach to Improving Childbirth

By Neel Shah, Associate Faculty at the Ariadne Labs for Health Systems Innovation When it comes to childbirth, the United States of America seems to combine the problems of the third world and the first world into a perfect storm. On one hand, 50% of…

Inequities in Maternal Mortality: A Focus on Undocumented Immigrants

By: Rose Molina, Global Women’s Health Fellow, The Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital & Obstetrician/gynecologist, The Dimock Center and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center This post is part of…

Call for posts: Inequities in Maternal Mortality in the U.S.

To highlight the rising and disparate rate of maternal deaths in the U.S., the Maternal Health Task Force is launching a blog series to explore strategies to mitigate these deaths and inequities and build a repository of information and resources…

Fostering Partnerships – in Indonesia, Then Globally

By: Kate Walton, Health Specialist, Kinerja, Indonesia Last week, I had the great privilege of attending the first-ever Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference (GMNHC) in Mexico City. During a panel on midwifery around the world, I presented on a…