MHTF-PLOS Collection: Submission Deadline Extended

By: Sarah Hodin, MPH, CD(DONA), LCCE, National Senior Manager of Maternal Newborn Health Programs, Steward Health Care

The Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) and PLOS ONE are delighted to announce that the submission deadline for the fifth annual MHTF-PLOS Collection, “Non-Communicable Diseases and Maternal Health Around the Globe,” has been extended to 1 April 2017

Papers submitted to this collection must present and discuss primary quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research in maternal health with the following focus:

– Investigation of the role of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and social determinants in the shifting epidemiology of maternal health
– Assessment of NCD risk factors and implications for reproductive or maternal health
– Application of the life course approach to assessing maternal health in the context of NCDs
– Implementation and evaluation of interventions designed to reduce the burden of NCDs with a particular focus on women of reproductive age
– Community-based research identifying local perceptions of links between NCDs and maternal health using rigorous qualitative methods
– Analysis of disparities in maternal health among populations with high NCD burden

Please read the full call for papers on the PLOS website for more information.

Contact us with any inquiries about the MHTF-PLOS Collection.