Global Maternal Health Conference 2010: June 14th Update

From the Global Maternal Health Conference 2010 co-organizers: The Public Health Foundation of India and the Maternal Health Task Force at EngenderHealth

Preparations for our conference to take place in Delhi 30th August – 1st September are well underway and the level of interest is high!

We received well over 500 abstract submissions for panels, posters, and presentations, which have been reviewed by our scientific sub-committees.  Their recommendations are resulting in a conference program that we believe will present a true and comprehensive picture of the maternal health field around the world.

All the abstract acceptance letters will be emailed by the end of this week.

As we have been reviewing abstracts and talking to colleagues, we are struck by the sheer number of maternal health research, implementation, and advocacy projects that are being conducted.   Calls for ‘scaling-up’ have clearly been heard, and this conference will be a propitious opportunity to share experiences and coordinate efforts.

Stay tuned to the MHTF Blog and the conference page on our website – we will be posting updates more and more frequently as the conference nears.