Delivering Quality Antenatal Care in Low Resource Settings: Examining Innovative Models and Planning For Scale Up

June 30, 2014
3:00 pm – 5:00pm

5th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center
Washington, DC

The World Health Organization recommends that all pregnant women attend a minimum of four antenatal care visits with a trained health care provider and that a number of key services be provided at those visits. However, there are large inequities in access, adherence, and quality of antenatal care between and within regions and countries. In order to meet the needs of all pregnant women and newborns – by diagnosing and treating infections, screening for anemia and nutrition deficiencies, addressing malaria in pregnancy, and preventing HIV transmission, among other services – the global health community must come together to identify innovative solutions for improving access, content, and quality of antenatal care around the world. Join us as we host a policy dialogue focused on delivering quality antenatal care with a focus on low-resource settings.

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  • Faith Muigai

    Director of Clinical Operations, Jacaranda Health
  • Carrie Klima, PhD

    Program Director and Clinical Associate Professor, Nurse Midwifery and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Programs, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Dr. A. Metin Gulmezoglu

    Coordinator, Maternal and Perinatal Health and Preventing Unsafe Abortion Team, World Health Organization