9 New Jobs in Maternal Health!
SPRING Events Manager: JSI, Rosslyn, Va
Consultant to help with Social and Behavior Change Interventions Targeting Service Providers for malaria in pregnancy: Johns Hopkins Univeristy, HC3 Project
Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor: Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD
Sr. Program Coordinator: Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD
Program Officer II: Jhpiego, Washington, DC
Sr. Reproductive Health Technical Advisor: Jphiego, Baltimore, MD
Sr. Health Systems Strengthening Advisor: Jphiego, Baltimore, MD
Sr. Healthcare Quality Advisor: Jphiego, Baltimore, MD
Senior Technical Advisor I for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Pathfinder International, Watertown, MA
Director of Research and Metrics: Pathfinder International, Watertown, MA