New Campaign: Safe Birth, Even Here
A message from our colleagues at UNFPA:
New York, NY—To raise awareness of the urgent needs of pregnant women in emergencies, UNFPA, The United Nations population fund is launching a social media campaign called Safe Birth. Even Here. The campaign launched on Monday 24 September and is running on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
As part of this campaign, UNFPA is reporting on safe deliveries from refugee camps and crises settings around the globe and, through social media, supporters will be able to spread the good news of a safe birth by sending a message of support to the family and midwives as well as donate a clean delivery kit.
This clean delivery kit is a key component of ensuring safer, healthier births in emergency situations and contributes to saving the lives of pregnant woman and their babies. The kit provides the most basic essentials for preventing fatal infections. It includes a bar of soap, a clear plastic sheet to lie on, a razor blade for cutting the umbilical cord, a sterilized string to tie off the umbilical cord, a cloth to keep the mother and baby warm and latex gloves. The kit costs only three dollars. Thousands of these are shipped by UNFPA every year as part of a rapid response in humanitarian crises. In Syria 12 000 kits have already been distributed to pregnant women across the country.
Learn more about the campaign here.
Follow the campaign on Twitter at #safebirth.