Woman-Centered Maternity Care, Family Planning, and HIV: Principles for Rights-Based Integration

Our colleagues at the Wilson Center Global Health Initiative are hosting a discussion with experts on rights-based maternity care and the intersection with family planning and HIV. The event will take place on June 11th from 3-5pm at the Wilson Center in Washington DC.

About the event:

Increasingly, family planning and HIV programs are seeking to expand their services to include maternal health care. The movement to integrate health services provides an important opportunity to share lessons learned across the different communities on their experiences with rights-based care. Join us for a discussion with experts in rights-based maternity care and its intersection with family planning and HIV.

Click here for the list of speakers for the event.

Click here to RSVP.

Click here for directions to the Wilson Center.

Learn more about this topic by visiting the MHTF’s topic pages focused on maternal health, HIV, and AIDS and respectful maternity care.

For a compilation of the latest news and publications on maternal health, HIV and AIDS, click here.

For a compilation of the latest news and publications on respectful maternity care, click here.

Explore the MHTF’s ongoing blog series on maternal health, HIV, and AIDS and respectful maternity care.