Composite measures of women’s empowerment and their association with maternal mortality in low-income countries November 17, 2017 description
Examining the mechanisms by which women’s status and empowerment affect skilled birth attendant use in Senegal: A structural equation modeling approach November 17, 2017 description
Women’s empowerment and experiences of mistreatment during childbirth in facilities in Lucknow, India: Results from a cross-sectional study November 17, 2017 description
Delayed initiation of antenatal care and associated factors in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis November 17, 2017 description
Relationship between hospital-level percentage of midwife-attended births and obstetric procedure utilization November 17, 2017 description
The impact of eliminating within-country inequality in health coverage on maternal and child mortality: A Lives Saved Tool analysis November 17, 2017 description
Maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring executive function: What do we know and what are the next steps? November 17, 2017 description
A systematic review of dietary interventions for gestational weight gain and gestational diabetes in overweight and obese pregnant women November 17, 2017 description