Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding miscarriage: A cross-sectional study among Flemish midwives September 25, 2017 description
Pregnancy in women with corrected aortic coarctation: Uteroplacental Doppler flow and pregnancy outcome September 23, 2017 description
Improving breastfeeding medicine in undergraduate medical education: A student survey and extensive curriculum review with suggestions for improvement September 22, 2017 description
The elevated rate of cesarean section and its contribution to non-communicable chronic diseases in Latin America: The growing involvement of the microbiota September 22, 2017 description
Comorbidity of autoimmune thyroid disorders and psychiatric disorders during the postpartum period: A Danish nationwide register-based cohort study September 22, 2017 description
Comparative efficacy and safety of oral antidiabetic drugs and insulin in treating gestational diabetes mellitus: An updated PRISMA-compliant network meta-analysis September 22, 2017 description
Fistula recurrence, pregnancy, and childbirth following successful closure of female genital fistula in Guinea: A longitudinal study September 22, 2017 description