Vaccination during pregnancy: First line of defense for expecting mothers and vulnerable young infants September 21, 2017 description
Timing and adequate attendance of antenatal care visits among women in Ethiopia September 21, 2017 description
A look back on how far to walk: Systematic review and meta-analysis of physical access to skilled care for childbirth in Sub-Saharan Africa September 21, 2017 description
Impact of shoulder dystocia, stratified by type of manoeuvre, on severe neonatal outcome and maternal morbidity September 21, 2017 description
Caesarean birth is associated with both maternal and paternal origin in immigrants in Sweden: A population-based study September 19, 2017 description
New programme reporting standards for sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health programmes September 19, 2017 description
Too many women face death while giving birth. Here’s how we can improve their chances September 19, 2017 description