Impact of multi-professional, scenario-based training on postpartum hemorrhage in Tanzania: A quasi-experimental, pre- vs. post-intervention study September 07, 2017 description
Effect of a participatory multisectoral maternal and newborn intervention on maternal health service utilization and newborn care practices: A quasi-experimental study in three rural Ugandan districts September 06, 2017 description
Folic acid supplement use and the risk of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia September 06, 2017 description
Adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in women with preeclampsia in Iranian women September 06, 2017 description
The contribution of female community health volunteers (FCHVs) to maternity care in Nepal: A qualitative study September 06, 2017 description
Intestinal helminthic infection and anemia among pregnant women attending ante-natal care (ANC) in East Wollega, Oromia, Ethiopia September 06, 2017 description
Hydralazine vs nifedipine for acute hypertensive emergency in pregnancy; a randomized controlled trial September 06, 2017 description
Raging civil war makes giving birth harder than ever for Yemen’s women September 06, 2017 description