The role of mHealth intervention on maternal and child health service delivery: Findings from a randomized controlled field trial in rural Ethiopia September 01, 2017 description
Assessment of policy makers’ individual and organizational capacity to acquire, assess, adapt and apply research evidence for maternal and child health policy making in Nigeria: A cross-sectional quantitative survey September 01, 2017 description
Promoting evidence informed policy making in Nigeria: A review of the maternal, newborn and child health policy development process September 01, 2017 description
Uganda’s boda boda babies: Indian-made motorcycle taxis come to the rescue of pregnant women August 31, 2017 description
Midwives’ professional competencies for preventing maternal mortality in disasters: A cross-sectional study in Iran August 31, 2017 description
Prevalence and predictors of anxiety disorders amongst low-income pregnant women in urban South Africa: A cross-sectional study August 31, 2017 description
Knowledge of obstetric danger signs among recently-delivered women in Chamwino district, Tanzania: A cross-sectional study August 31, 2017 description