Mode of birth and medical interventions among women at low risk of complications: A cross-national comparison of birth settings in England and the Netherlands July 27, 2017 description
Low HIV incidence in pregnant and postpartum women receiving a community-based combination HIV prevention intervention in a high HIV incidence setting in South Africa July 27, 2017 description
Approaches to health-care provider education and professional development in perinatal depression: A systematic review July 27, 2017 description
Magnesium sulfate for 6 vs 24 hours post delivery in patients who received magnesium sulfate for less than 8 hours before birth: A randomized clinical trial July 27, 2017 description
Cross-sectional description of nursing and midwifery pre-service education accreditation in east, central, and southern Africa in 2013 July 27, 2017 description
Impact of maternal and neonatal health initiatives on inequity in maternal health care utilization in Bangladesh July 27, 2017 description
Dimensions of antenatal care service and the alacrity of mothers towards institutional delivery in South and South East Asia July 27, 2017 description