Caribbean pledges to end preventable mortality of women, children and adolescents July 17, 2017 description
Age at first birth and risk of later-life cardiovascular disease: A systematic review of the literature, its limitation, and recommendations for future research July 17, 2017 description
Fertility intentions and contraceptive practices among clinic-users living with HIV in Kenya: A mixed methods study July 17, 2017 description
Towards an understanding of the multilevel factors associated with maternal health care utilization in Uttar Pradesh, India July 17, 2017 description
Contraceptive use and unplanned pregnancy among female sex workers in Zambia July 17, 2017 description
Reasons women have induced abortions: A synthesis of findings from 14 countries July 17, 2017 description
Evaluating the comparative effectiveness of different demand side interventions to increase maternal health service utilization and practice of birth spacing in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo: An innovative, mixed methods approach July 17, 2017 description
Trends and inequalities in use of maternal health care services in Nepal: Strategy in the search for improvements July 17, 2017 description
HIV status disclosure, facility-based delivery and postpartum retention of mothers in a prevention clinical trial in rural Nigeria July 17, 2017 description
Preeclampsia: Study highlights need for more effective treatment, prevention July 17, 2017 description