Objectively measured short sleep duration and later sleep midpoint in pregnancy are associated with a higher risk of gestational diabetes June 13, 2017 description
A novel tamponade agent for management of post partum hemorrhage: Adaptation of the Xstat mini-sponge applicator for obstetric use June 13, 2017 description
Evaluation of a women group led health communication program in Haryana, India June 12, 2017 description
Audit and feedback using the Robson classification to reduce caesarean section rates: A systematic review June 12, 2017 description
Determining the accuracy of pregnancy-length dating among women presenting for induced abortions in Ghana June 12, 2017 description
Clinical indications for cesarean delivery among women living with female genital mutilation June 12, 2017 description
Effect of HIV infection on outcomes after surgical repair of genital fistula June 12, 2017 description
Evaluation of obstetricians’ surgical decision making in the management of uterine rupture June 12, 2017 description
Functionality and acceptability of a wireless fetal heart rate monitoring device in term pregnant women in rural southwestern Uganda June 12, 2017 description
Associations between perceptions of care and women’s childbirth experience: A population-based cross-sectional study in Rwanda June 12, 2017 description