Advising women with diabetes in pregnancy to express breastmilk in late pregnancy (diabetes and antenatal milk expressing [DAME]): A multicenter, unblinded, randomized controlled trial June 02, 2017 description
Association between planned cesarean delivery and neonatal mortality and morbidity in twin pregnancies June 02, 2017 description
Intracervical Foley catheter with and without oxytocin for labor induction: A randomized controlled trial June 02, 2017 description
Breastfeeding and endometrial cancer risk: An analysis from the epidemiology of endometrial cancer consortium June 02, 2017 description
Epidemiologic surveillance of teenage birth rates in the United States, 2006-2012 June 02, 2017 description
Medical and obstetric complications among pregnant women with liver cirrhosis June 02, 2017 description
Effects of exercise on mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms in the postpartum period: A meta-analysis June 02, 2017 description
70th World Health Assembly: Country progress in improving women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health May 31, 2017 description