A randomized trial of Foley bulb for labor induction in premature rupture of membranes in nulliparas (FLIP) May 31, 2017 description
Contribution of maternal age and pregnancy checkbox on maternal mortality ratios in the United States, 1978–2012 May 31, 2017 description
Mortality among twins and singletons in sub-Saharan Africa between 1995 and 2014: A pooled analysis of data from 90 Demographic and Health Surveys in 30 countries May 31, 2017 description
Non-medically indicated induction in morbidly obese women is not associated with an increased risk of cesarean delivery May 31, 2017 description
The impact of uterine immaturity on obstetrical syndromes during adolescence May 31, 2017 description
Prenatal antidepressant use and risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring: Population based cohort study May 31, 2017 description
Is early intervention using Mansoura-VV uterine compression sutures an effective procedure in the management of primary atonic postpartum hemorrhage?: A prospective study May 31, 2017 description
'Risking lives of mothers and children': India condemned for cuts to benefits May 30, 2017 description