Interdelivery weight gain and risk of cesarean delivery following a prior vaginal delivery May 16, 2017 description
Predictors of vaginal delivery in medically indicated early preterm induction of labor May 16, 2017 description
Year-round influenza immunisation during pregnancy in Nepal: A phase 4, randomised, placebo-controlled trial May 15, 2017 description
Socio-demographic predictors and average annual rates of caesarean section in Bangladesh between 2004 and 2014 May 14, 2017 description
Frequency and evaluation of the perceptions towards caesarean section among pregnant women attending public hospitals in Pakistan and the implications May 14, 2017 description
Nigeria: Saraki tasks nurses, midwives on reduction of maternal, infant mortality May 12, 2017 description
Hepatitis C rates nearly double in pregnant women amid opioid epidemic, CDC says May 12, 2017 description
A little respect: Saraswathi Vedam on reducing over-intervention in maternal care through more autonomy May 12, 2017 description