The 4th trimester: A critical transition period with unmet maternal health needs April 13, 2017 description
A mixed-methods study of maternal near miss and death after emergency cesarean delivery at a referral hospital in Somaliland April 13, 2017 description
Pitfalls in the use of register based data for comparing adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in different birth settings April 13, 2017 description
Duration of labor and the risk of severe postpartum hemorrhage: A case-control study April 13, 2017 description
Obstetrician perceptions of the causes of high cesarean delivery rates in Turkey April 13, 2017 description
Correlations between intimate partner violence and spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal death in rural Malawi April 13, 2017 description
Cesarean delivery in the second stage of labor and the risk of subsequent premature birth April 13, 2017 description
A systematic mixed-methods review of interventions, outcomes and experiences for midwives and student midwives in work-related psychological distress April 13, 2017 description