Maternal education and breastfeeding practices in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis March 25, 2017 description
Risk factors associated with adverse perinatal outcome in planned vaginal breech labors at term: A retrospective population-based case-control study March 24, 2017 description
A randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial of the effects of fluid rate and/or presence of dextrose in intravenous fluids on the labor course of nulliparas March 24, 2017 description
Midwives perceptions of partner presence in childbirth pain alleviation in Nigeria hospitals March 24, 2017 description
Post-traumatic stress disorder and antepartum complications: A novel risk factor for gestational diabetes and preeclampsia March 24, 2017 description
Birth spacing, and the information and tools to do it, can save women’s and children’s lives March 24, 2017 description