Vaginal birth after cesarean: Neonatal outcomes and United States birth setting December 06, 2016 description
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of prophylactic tranexamic acid treatment in major benign uterine surgery December 06, 2016 description
Pregnancy in advanced age and the risk of stroke in postmenopausal women: Analysis of Women’s Health Initiative study December 06, 2016 description
Requests for cesarean deliveries: The politics of labor pain and pain relief in Shanghai, China December 05, 2016 description
Induction of labour for suspected macrosomia at term in non-diabetic women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials December 05, 2016 description
Cesarean outcomes in US birth centers and collaborating hospitals: A cohort comparison December 03, 2016 description
Is model of care associated with infant birth outcomes among vulnerable women? A scoping review of midwifery-led versus physician-led care December 02, 2016 description