Pivotal role midwives play in keeping mothers and newborns alive must be recognized October 14, 2016 description
Using advocacy and data to strengthen political accountability in maternal and newborn health in Africa October 14, 2016 description
Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990–2015: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 October 14, 2016 description
Garissa County takes 'best practices' award for increased hospital deliveries October 13, 2016 description
Knowledge and utilization of sexual and reproductive healthcare services among Thai immigrant women in Sweden October 13, 2016 description
Antenatal depressive symptoms and maternal health care utilisation: A population-based study of pregnant women in Ethiopia October 13, 2016 description
Episiotomy and obstetric outcomes among women living with type 3 female genital mutilation: A secondary analysis October 13, 2016 description