Developing a Pictorial Sisterhood Method in collaboration with illiterate Maasai traditional birth attendants in northern Tanzania October 06, 2016 description
Establishment of a national severe maternal morbidity preventability review in New Zealand October 06, 2016 description
Maternal Death Surveillance and Response Systems in driving accountability and influencing change October 06, 2016 description
Clinical interventions to reduce stillbirths in sub-Saharan Africa: A mathematical model to estimate the potential reduction of stillbirths associated with specific obstetric conditions October 06, 2016 description
Understanding the role of violence as a social determinant of preterm birth October 06, 2016 description
Trends in state-level child mortality, maternal mortality, and fertility rates in India October 06, 2016 description
Ambulance service associated with reduced probabilities of neonatal and infant mortality in two Indian states October 06, 2016 description
Health care disparity and state-specific pregnancy-related mortality in the United States, 2005–2014 October 06, 2016 description
Maternal malnutrition affects future generations. Kenya must break the cycle October 05, 2016 description