Trends in the use of oral contraceptives among adolescents and young women in Spain September 26, 2016 description
Countdown to 2030 for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition September 26, 2016 description
Prevalence and predictors of depression among pregnant women in Debretabor town, northwest Ethiopia September 25, 2016 description
A controlled before-and-after perspective on the improving maternal, neonatal, and child survival program in rural Bangladesh: An impact analysis September 25, 2016 description
Comparison of stillbirth rates by cause among Haitians and non-Haitians in Canada September 24, 2016 description
A retrospective study of HIV, antiretroviral therapy, and pregnancy-associated hypertension among women in Lusaka, Zambia September 24, 2016 description
"When the baby remains there for a long time, it is going to die so you have to hit her small for the baby to come out": Justification of disrespectful and abusive care during childbirth among midwifery students in Ghana September 24, 2016 description
Rise in ‘freebirthing’ suggests women feel midwives and doctors are ignoring their needs September 23, 2016 description