Current research on carbetocin and implications for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage June 22, 2018 description
INTERGROWTH-21st gestational dating and fetal and newborn growth standards in peri-urban Nairobi, Kenya: Quasi-experimental implementation study protocol June 22, 2018 description
A global view of severe maternal morbidity: Moving beyond maternal mortality June 22, 2018 description
Effect of nutrition education based on health belief model on nutritional knowledge and dietary practice of pregnant women in Dessie town, northeast Ethiopia: A cluster randomized control trial June 21, 2018 description
What is next? Midwifery education building partnerships for tomorrow's maternal and neonatal health care June 21, 2018 description
Comparison of midwife-led and obstetrician-led care in Lithuania: A retrospective cohort study June 21, 2018 description
Consequences of obstetric fistula in sub Sahara African countries, from patients’ perspective: A systematic review of qualitative studies June 20, 2018 description
In Liberia, modified training improves quality of child and infant care post-ebola June 20, 2018 description
From father to father: Why men must get involved in maternal and child health June 19, 2018 description