Cashless childbirth, but at a cost: A grounded theory study on quality of intrapartum care in public health facilities in India May 10, 2016 description
Adoption and completeness of documentation using a structured delivery record in secondary care, subdistrict government hospitals of Karnataka State, India May 09, 2016 description
Assessing the availability of LLINs for continuous distribution through routine antenatal care and the Expanded Programme on Immunizations in sub-Saharan Africa May 08, 2016 description
What prevents quality midwifery care? A systematic mapping of barriers in low and middle income countries from the provider perspective May 05, 2016 description
A public health paradox: The women most vulnerable to malaria are the least protected May 05, 2016 description
Risk threshold for starting low dose aspirin in pregnancy to prevent preeclampsia: An opportunity at a low cost May 05, 2016 description
The global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health (2016–2030): A roadmap based on evidence and country experience May 05, 2016 description
Improving reporting of infant deaths, maternal deaths and stillbirths in Haryana, India May 05, 2016 description
Reclassifying causes of obstetric death in Mexico: A repeated cross-sectional study May 05, 2016 description