Explaining disparities in use of skilled birth attendants in developing countries: A conceptual framework April 26, 2016 description
The co-existence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms in the perinatal period: A systematic review April 26, 2016 description
Maternal death and obstetric care audits in Nigeria: A systematic review of barriers and enabling factors in the provision of emergency care April 26, 2016 description
The impact of caesarean section on breastfeeding initiation, duration and difficulties in the first four months postpartum April 26, 2016 description
A qualitative exploration of health workers’ and clients’ perceptions of barriers to completing four antenatal care visits in Morogoro Region, Tanzania April 26, 2016 description
Profile of pregnant women using delivery hut services of the Ballabgarh health and demographic surveillance system in rural North India April 25, 2016 description
Reconceptualising risk: Perceptions of risk in rural and remote maternity service planning April 25, 2016 description
Clinical handover practices in maternity services in Ireland: A qualitative descriptive study April 25, 2016 description
Trends in birth choices after caesarean section in Japan: A national survey examining information and access to vaginal birth after caesarean April 25, 2016 description